Get Involved

Donate Money
The Sydney Kids Committee set a fundraising goal of $50,000 for 2023 to purchase much needed medical equipment for the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick.
You can help by making a one-off or a regular tax-deductible donation.

Donate a Prize
Each year the Sydney Kids Committee is truly grateful for the many and varied prizes that are donated by businesses, both small and large. Our prizes range from overseas airfares and accommodation to local businesses donating anything from toys and jewellery to restaurant vouchers and theatre tickets.
If you have a prize, whether it be a voucher or a product, we can use to either raffle, sell in a silent auction or give as a prize for a fun activity, please click Donate A Prize button to contact us and arrange delivery.

Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship helps fund the costs of hosting our events, enabling the Sydney Kids Committee to keep event ticket prices affordable and maximise the net funds raised at events towards the purchase of equipment.
We have varying levels of sponsorship available so there is sure to be one that suits you or your business. If you or your organisation would like to sponsor an event please contact us using the Enquire Now button.

Event Volunteer
We are always looking for passionate and enthusiastic volunteers. Every event needs a team of people to help it run effectively. From event set up to selling raffle tickets, helping with silent auctions or even end of function bump out, there are so many little things that you can do to help that make a big difference to a successful event.

Join the Committee
We are an all-volunteer community-based fund raising committee and we always value new members to help us achieve our fundraising goals. Our committee members have a range of skills and experience from health care to business, finance and HR and we are always looking to strengthen our committee with people with new skills and experience. We look for people who are passionate about raising funds for children’s health care, who are service oriented, and most importantly willing to roll up their sleeves and help at events, anything from selling raffle tickets to cleaning and event bump-out.
All members must be able to attend committee meetings one evening per month to assist with planning events and supporting the activities and or administrative needs of the committee. We meet and interview people who are interested in joining the committee to ensure there is a good fit with the expectations of an all-volunteer committee.